sketch by Cathy Barton Para

The Missouri Folklore Society

The Missouri Folklore Society was organized December 15, 1906, “to encourage the collection, preservation and study of folklore in the widest sense, including customs, institutions, beliefs, signs, legends, language, literature, musical arts, and folk arts and crafts of all ethnic groups throughout the State of Missouri.” We continue to support the cultivation and study of the folkgroups and folkways of our state — and beyond.

MARK YOUR CALENDARS AND WATCH THIS SPACE! The annual meeting of the Missouri Folklore Society will be November 6-8 in Springfield. Deets to follow.

Here’s a lecture on the Lore of Lent and Easter by Adam Brooke Davis, Truman State University (.docx file)

Here’s a full list of the presentations from the 2024 meeting at the Mid-Continent Public Library’s Story Center

You can follow us on Facebook —

Got a folklore- or folklife-related event for our newsletter? Want to contribute to our collections here, or ask a question of our knowledgeable members? Contact the webmaster: You can also write PO Box 1757, Columbia MO 65205

New or renewing member? Click here for a printable form

The Missouri Folklore Society Newsletter (appears Fall and Spring)

Contents of the Missouri Folklore Society Journal (MFSJ issues/articles are archived at

MFSJ Volume 42 is now available: a monograph by Van Tegtmeier on sexism in videogaming communities.

Links for members

The collections below are coming soon (bear with us while we rebuild resources after our migration):

Missouri Folklore Studies: an online collection of documentary and analytical papers

Links of special interest to Missouri folklorists

Our members’ links: their products and services, collections, scholarship, remembrances and testimonies

For students: the Schroeder Prize in Folklore