please join us!

the Missouri Folklore Society

2022 Annual Meeting

November 3-5

Quality Inn, Highway 36

Hannibal Missouri

Join us in Everybody’s Hometown, Hannibal Missouri, for three days of folklore, food, fellowship and fiddling (and plenty of other music as well).

You can fill out the registration form — please include payment by check and mail it in time to arrive by October 15, so we can get headcounts for meals. Or you can register onsite. High school and college students are free!

At this writing, the program is coming together nicely. We will have presentations on various aspects of folklife and folklore.

Our Thursday dinner speaker will be Faye Dant, founder and director of

Jim’s Journey

Friday’s lunch will be followed by a panel presentation, Steampunk 101, by members of the Big River Steampunk Festival

After dinner Friday, we’ll hear from the archivist of historic Hannibal photos, author Steve Chou — followed by our benefit auction and folklore jam, lasting until …?

In between, there will be presentations on May McCord (“Queen of the Hillbillies”) Hannibal’s Lost Boys, native plants and foraging, waterwitching and grave-dousing, and much more. Bring your fiddle to sit in on an old time fiddlers’ session, or come just to listen.

We look forward to seeing you there, and hope you’ll join us November 2023 when we meet in Boonville.