First adopted at the business meeting at 12:00 noon, July 17, 1977.
Dues changed at business meeting at 4:30 p.m., October 7, 1983.
Dues changed at business meeting at 4:00 p.m., October 27, 1989.
Artice II.2 amended at business meeting on October 27, 1991.
Dues changed at business meeting at 11:30 a.m., October 28, 1995.
I. Dues. As of October 28, 1995, the membership dues for the Missouri Folklore Society shall be as follows:
Individual Membership $12.00
Family Membership $15.00
Student or Retired Person $5.00
Institutional membership $15.00
Sustaining Membership $35.00
Life Membership $150.00
II. Duties and Responsibilities of officers and committees.
- The President shall chair a committee responsible for programs
and meetings. - The Executive Committee shall determine, each year, the time and
place of the annual meeting. - The Executive Committee may appoint from time to time, as
occasion arises, special officers or committees to foster research or other
activities in the different aspects of folklore and to direct the
publication of newsletters and a yearbook.
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(Approved June l6, l977)
(Amended October 26, 1991)
I. Purpose. The purpose of this Society is to encourage the collection, preservation, and study of Folklore in the widest sense, including customs, institutions, beliefs, signs, legends, language, literature, musical arts, and folk arts and crafts of all ethnic groups throughout the State of
II. Officers. The officers of the Society shall be a President, one or more Vice-Presidents, a Secretary, a Treasurer, and a Board of Directors of no fewer than five members. The duties of the officers shall be the usual duties of the respective offices. Additional Vice-Presidents may be elected to provide regional representation. The Board of Directors, in conjunction with the other officers, shall constitute an Executive Committee, which shall meet at the Society’s annual meeting to plan the following annual meeting, decide upon affiliation with other organizations and the establishment of local chapters, oversee fiscal matters, and determine the place of deposit of manuscripts, books, and other collections. The President may call a meeting of the Executive Committee during the period of time between annual meetings, with prior notice of three weeks, to conduct necessary business. Decisions of the Executive Committee require a simple majority of the Officers and Board Members attending the meeting at which votes are taken. The President may appoint, with approval of the Executive Committee, an Advisory Committee to serve during the term of office of the President. The Advisory Committee, whose term of office shall end at the time of the annual meeting following their appointment, shall consist of officers and no more than six other members of the Society. The President may call one or more meetings of the Advisory Committee during the period of time between annual meetings, or may solicit advice by mail, when necessary to make decisions on questions, issues, and requests that require action but are not so urgent as to warrant an emergency meeting of the Executive Committee. Decisions of the Advisory Committee require a simple majority vote. Decisions and actions of the Advisory Committee shall be reported and reviewed at the next meeting of the Executive Committee. The officers shall be elected at the annual meeting to serve for one year, except that the Board of Directors shall be elected to serve for three years, approximately a third being elected each year. Initial members of the Board shall be elected to specified one, two, or three year terms. The President shall serve as Chair of the Executive Committee. All members of the Missouri Folklore Society shall have the right of nominating and voting for officers and Board members.
III. Membership. Membership is of six kinds: (l) regular, (2) family, (3) students and retired persons, (4) sustaining, (5) life, and (6) institutional (non-voting). The dues structure will be established in the by-laws.
IV. Publications. The Society shall publish a Newsletter to apprise members of plans and activities of the Society and shall include, when possible, other news relating to folklore provided by members and friends. A Missouri Folklore Journal will be published when appropriate research material is available to warrant publication. All publications shall be distributed to all members of the Society in good standing.
V. Meetings. An annual meeting shall be held for the reading of papers, the election of officers, and such other business as may come before the meeting. Additional meetings may be called by the President. A quorum shall consist of those voting members present at a properly announced business meeting.
VI. Changes in the Constitution. Written notice of any proposed change must be submitted to the Secretary not less than two months prior to the meeting at which the proposal is to be made. Not less than three weeks’ notice of any such proposal shall be given by the Secretary to the members. Changes in this constitution may be made only at an annual meeting or at a properly announced meeting for business. Change requires two-thirds majority of voting members present.
VII. By-laws. By-laws may be adopted or changed by a simple majority vote at a properly announced business meeting. Chapters of the Society may form their own chapter by-laws.
VIII. Cooperation. It shall be the policy of the Missouri Folklore Society to work in cooperation, wherever possible, with National, State, or other societies of kindred aims and interests. Manuscripts and other matter of permanent value may be deposited in the archives of such societies, or in museums, at the discretion of the Executive Committee.
Local and regional clubs and societies interested in Missouri Folklore may be affiliated with the Society upon the recommendation of the Executive Committee. Local chapters may be established in the same way.